Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ponder Wonder Yonder

When everyone you know around you is feeling down due to great problems faced or illnesses such as cancer, what should you do? Should you be happy in the hope that the happiness you are carrying is contagious enough to cause an epidemic? Or should you just lay low and give lots of rubs in the back? Whatever my decisions might be, I've learnt a great deal about love and compassion. The mother of my beloved is one such selfless case. She's a woman who stands by her husband in sickness and in health. Through exhaustion and hunger, she visits her husband every single day without fail. This woman works at night almost every day. She has my undying support and respect. I am amazed. That's what i call LOVE.

We all go through LOVE in different stages and different ways as well as for different reasons. Some go through LOVE in different seasons and different days. Whatever you're doing at this point in time, stop to ponder what could be done to make your relationship a happier and more meaningful one? Think, what if today was the last day you'll see LOVE?

Cherish your love ones today. If wearing a wig makes them happy, why not! (Bushuk this one's for you)


Happiness maker said...

No matter what will be, you still have your loved person around. Sharing your life with your loved people is one of a pleasurable action to nourish your life.

Thanks for sharing your feelings.

You can make a better world.

outofmyhair said...

Thanks for dropping by...I agree.. Love is important to me and i wouldnt be who i am without my love ones..

TIRAMISU said...

Here am I love, we look good in the pirates of the Caribbean...I miss you bee...