Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Soul To Squeeze

A soulful housemate of mine once shared with me when I was really down and lying on a bed of nails. He said that me and my partner should be the best swimmers by now because we have done so much for each other and gone through the lowest and back from the Tsunami. He says that i'm loved by the craziest and most imperfect person. He says a crazy person is not afraid to follow his heart and the imperfect human being is the most perfect human being, and he says the beautiful part is that I love that imperfect person perfectly. He said now thats REAL.

1 comment:

the euphemist said...

drop that photo of me & is at mazzyfaces@yahoo.com.

my digital expression will be at eternaldrone@blogspot.com.
nothing current but will be back after the bloody Good Vibrations.

i can get shitloads of stuffs out of my hair too....

